Shortage of extra virgin olive oil hits refugee camps worldwide

March 1, 2011 § Leave a comment

Despite sponsorship, refugee camps remain without olive oil

UNHCR released today a scathing report that further stresses on the appalling conditions suffered by millions in relation to their access to gourmet products. The annual report Neither Pecorino nor Côtes du Rhône: A World Review, focuses on the steady decline of delicatessen supply, largely overlooked in recent worldwide support and relief initiatives. Refugee camps have been hit the hardest, with extra virgin olive oil provisions hitting an all time low. This has created significant tensions within the institution itself, as italian brand Filippo Berio still remains sponsor of all UNHCR tents, and had guaranteed in their contract stable provisions regardless of declines in production.

“This is not only an issue of morality,” argued UNHCR representative Dolores Wang, “but a lethal blow to salad etiquette. These days, we have had to lubricate our sustainable greens with some cheap adulterated Portuguese oil. It is a shameful disgrace,” concluded Wang, while grinding some parmigiano-reggiano on her lunch pasta. At press release, it was not clear whether any refugees gave a crap.

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